500 Daily Use English Words With Meaning

500 महत्वपूर्ण शब्द जो आपकी इंग्लिश क्षमताओं को बढ़ाएंगे

500 Important Vocabulary Words to Enhance Your English Skills

किसी भी भाषा को मास्टर करने के लिए मजबूत शब्दावली का निर्माण करना बेहद महत्वपूर्ण कदम है। चाहे आप परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे छात्र हों, एक इंग्लिश सीखने वाला व्यक्ति हो, या एक पेशेवर जो अपनी संचार क्षमताओं को सुधारना चाहता हो, एक मजबूत शब्दावली आपके कौशल में महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव ला सकती है। इस पोस्ट में, हम 500 महत्वपूर्ण शब्दों का पता लगाएंगे जो आपकी भाषा की दक्षता को बढ़ा सकते हैं। ये शब्द रोज़मर्रा की बातचीत से लेकर शैक्षिक और पेशेवर शब्दों तक कई श्रेणियों में फैले हुए हैं।

शब्दावली क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है?

एक विशाल शब्दावली आपको अपने विचारों को स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्त करने, पाठों को प्रभावी तरीके से समझने और प्रभावी रूप से संवाद करने में मदद करती है। यह सिर्फ बोलने के लिए ही नहीं, बल्कि लेखन, सुनने और पढ़ने की समझ के लिए भी जरूरी है। जितने अधिक शब्द आप जानते हैं, उतना ही सरल होता है जटिल विचारों को समझना और अपने विचारों को सटीक रूप से व्यक्त करना।

आपको पढ़ने में आसानी हो इसके लिए डायरेक्ट jump 🔗 link दी गई है

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  • Top 500 Vocabulary Words

    Sr Vocabulary English Meaning Hindi Meaning
    1 Book A set of written pages किताब (Kitab)
    2 Chair A seat for one person कुर्सी (Kursi)
    3 Table A piece of furniture मेज (Mez)
    4 Water A liquid for drinking पानी (Pani)
    5 House A building for living घर (Ghar)
    6 Run To move quickly दौड़ना (Daudna)
    7 Write To mark letters on paper लिखना (Likhna)
    8 Happy Feeling joy खुश (Khush)
    9 Big Large in size बड़ा (Bada)
    10 Small Little in size छोटा (Chhota)
    11 School A place for learning स्कूल (School)
    12 Market A place to buy things बाजार (Bazaar)
    13 Food Something to eat भोजन (Bhojan)
    14 Car A vehicle कार (Car)
    15 Sleep To rest by closing eyes सोना (Sona)
    16 Cold Low in temperature ठंडा (Thanda)
    17 Hot High in temperature गर्म (Garam)
    18 Light Something that brightens रोशनी (Roshni)
    19 Dark Absence of light अंधेरा (Andhera)
    20 Friend A person you like दोस्त (Dost)
    21 Family A group of related people परिवार (Parivaar)
    22 Teacher A person who teaches शिक्षक (Shikshak)
    23 Student A person who studies विद्यार्थी (Vidyaarthi)
    24 Child A young person बच्चा (Bachcha)
    25 Work To do a task काम (Kaam)
    26 Learn To gain knowledge सीखना (Seekhna)
    27 Read To look at and understand text पढ़ना (Padhna)
    28 Eat To consume food खाना (Khaana)
    29 Drink To consume liquid पीना (Peena)
    30 Think To use the mind to consider सोचना (Sochna)
    31 Love A strong feeling of affection प्यार (Pyaar)
    32 Walk To move on foot चलना (Chalna)
    33 Talk To speak बात करना (Baat Karna)
    34 Laugh To express happiness by sound हँसना (Hansna)
    35 Cry To shed tears रोना (Rona)
    36 Help To assist मदद करना (Madad Karna)
    37 Smile To show happiness with lips मुस्कुराना (Muskuraana)
    38 Sing To produce musical sounds गाना (Gaana)
    39 Dance To move rhythmically नाचना (Nachna)
    40 Drive To operate a vehicle चालना (Chalana)
    41 Fly To move through the air उड़ना (Udna)
    42 Hear To perceive sound सुनना (Sunna)
    43 See To observe with eyes देखना (Dekhna)
    44 Touch To feel with hands छूना (Chhoona)
    45 Run To move quickly दौड़ना (Daudna)
    46 Jump To push off the ground कूदना (Koodna)
    47 Build To construct something बनाना (Banana)
    48 Break To separate into parts तोड़ना (Todna)
    49 Open To make something accessible खोलना (Kholna)
    50 Close To shut something बंद करना (Band Karna)
    51 Push To apply force forward धक्का देना (Dhakka Dena)
    52 Pull To draw something closer खींचना (Kheenchna)
    53 Cut To divide with a sharp tool काटना (Kaatna)
    54 Write To put words on paper लिखना (Likhna)
    55 Paint To color a surface पेंट करना (Paint Karna)
    56 Read To look at written words पढ़ना (Padhna)
    57 Watch To observe something देखना (Dekhna)
    58 Play To engage in an activity खेलना (Khelna)
    59 Think To use the mind सोचना (Sochna)
    60 Learn To acquire knowledge सीखना (Seekhna)
    61 Teach To give knowledge पढ़ाना (Padhana)
    62 Help To assist someone मदद करना (Madad Karna)
    63 Cook To prepare food पकाना (Pakaana)
    64 Eat To consume food खाना (Khaana)
    65 Drink To consume liquid पीना (Peena)
    66 Work To do a job काम करना (Kaam Karna)
    67 Rest To relax आराम करना (Aaraam Karna)
    68 Sleep To rest by closing eyes सोना (Sona)
    69 Wake To stop sleeping जागना (Jaagna)
    70 Call To communicate by phone फोन करना (Phone Karna)
    71 Visit To go to a place यात्रा करना (Yaatra Karna)
    72 Travel To journey to a place यात्रा करना (Yaatra Karna)
    73 Buy To purchase something खरीदना (Kharidna)
    74 Sell To exchange goods for money बेचना (Bechna)
    75 Wear To put on clothes पहनना (Pehanna)
    76 Remove To take something off हटाना (Hatana)
    77 Save To keep safe बचाना (Bachana)
    78 Throw To toss something फेंकना (Fenkna)
    79 Catch To grab something पकड़ना (Pakadna)
    80 Hold To grip something पकड़ना (Pakadna)
    81 Give To provide something देना (Dena)
    82 Take To accept something लेना (Lena)
    83 Show To display something दिखाना (Dikhana)
    84 Hide To conceal something छिपाना (Chhupana)
    85 Ask To request information पूछना (Puchhna)
    86 Answer To respond to a question उत्तर देना (Uttar Dena)
    87 Begin To start something शुरू करना (Shuru Karna)
    88 End To finish something खत्म करना (Khatm Karna)
    89 Stay To remain in a place रहना (Rehna)
    90 Go To move from a place जाना (Jana)
    91 Live To exist जीना (Jeena)
    92 Die To stop living मरना (Marna)
    93 Build To make something
    93 Build To make something निर्माण करना (Nirmaan Karna)
    94 Destroy To ruin something नष्ट करना (Nasht Karna)
    95 Win To achieve victory जीतना (Jeetna)
    96 Lose To fail to win हारना (Haarna)
    97 Search To look for something खोजना (Khojna)
    98 Find To discover something पाना (Paana)
    99 Speak To communicate with words बोलना (Bolna)
    100 Listen To pay attention to sound सुनना (Sunna)
    101 Walk To move on foot चलना (Chalna)
    102 Run To move quickly on foot दौड़ना (Daudna)
    103 Climb To move up चढ़ना (Chadhna)
    104 Dance To move rhythmically to music नृत्य करना (Nritya Karna)
    105 Sing To produce musical sounds गाना (Gaana)
    106 Smile To express happiness with lips मुस्कुराना (Muskuraana)
    107 Laugh To express joy audibly हंसना (Hansna)
    108 Cry To shed tears रोना (Rona)
    109 Shout To speak loudly चिल्लाना (Chillana)
    110 Whisper To speak softly फुसफुसाना (Fusfusaana)
    111 Agree To accept something सहमत होना (Sahmat Hona)
    112 Disagree To oppose something असहमत होना (Asahmat Hona)
    113 Promise To make a commitment वादा करना (Wada Karna)
    114 Lie To say something untrue झूठ बोलना (Jhooth Bolna)
    115 Help To assist someone मदद करना (Madad Karna)
    116 Hope To expect positively आशा करना (Asha Karna)
    117 Feel To experience emotions महसूस करना (Mehsoos Karna)
    118 Wait To stay until something happens प्रतीक्षा करना (Prateeksha Karna)
    119 Call To summon someone बुलाना (Bulana)
    120 Invite To request someone's presence आमंत्रित करना (Aamantrit Karna)
    121 Carry To transport something ले जाना (Le Jana)
    122 Hold To keep in hand पकड़ना (Pakadna)
    123 Lift To raise something उठाना (Uthana)
    124 Drop To let something fall गिराना (Girana)
    125 Paint To color a surface पेंट करना (Paint Karna)
    126 Repair To fix something मरम्मत करना (Marammat Karna)
    127 Break To split or damage तोड़ना (Todna)
    128 Fix To restore something सुधारना (Sudharna)
    129 Drive To operate a vehicle चालना (Chalana)
    130 Ride To travel on something सवारी करना (Sawari Karna)
    131 Turn To change direction मोड़ना (Modna)
    132 Stop To cease motion रोकना (Rokna)
    133 Start To begin something शुरू करना (Shuru Karna)
    134 Continue To proceed further जारी रखना (Jaari Rakhna)
    135 Jump To leap off the ground कूदना (Koodna)
    136 Clap To strike hands together ताली बजाना (Taali Bajana)
    137 Sit To rest on a surface बैठना (Baithna)
    138 Stand To rise on feet खड़ा होना (Khada Hona)
    139 Rest To relax आराम करना (Aaram Karna)
    140 Work To perform tasks काम करना (Kaam Karna)
    141 Learn To gain knowledge सीखना (Seekhna)
    142 Teach To impart knowledge सिखाना (Sikhana)
    143 Write To form letters or words लिखना (Likhna)
    144 Read To look at and understand words पढ़ना (Padhna)
    145 Speak To communicate verbally बोलना (Bolna)
    146 Hear To perceive sound सुनना (Sunna)
    147 Buy To purchase something खरीदना (Kharidna)
    148 Sell To exchange for money बेचना (Bechna)
    149 Eat To consume food खाना (Khaana)
    150 Drink To consume liquid पीना (Peena)
    151 Cook To prepare food पकाना (Pakaana)
    152 Clean To remove dirt साफ करना (Saaf Karna)
    153 Wash To clean with water धोना (Dhona)
    154 Cut To divide with a blade काटना (Kaatna)
    155 Open To make accessible खोलना (Kholna)
    156 Close To shut बंद करना (Band Karna)
    157 Begin To start something शुरू करना (Shuru Karna)
    158 End To finish खत्म करना (Khatm Karna)
    159 Give To offer something देना (Dena)
    160 Take To receive something लेना (Lena)
    161 Think To use the mind सोचना (Sochna)
    162 Feel To experience an emotion महसूस करना (Mehsoos Karna)
    163 Love To care deeply for someone प्यार करना (Pyaar Karna)
    164 Hate To strongly dislike नफरत करना (Nafrat Karna)
    165 Know To have knowledge जानना (Jaanna)
    166 Forget To fail to remember भूल जाना (Bhool Jaana)
    167 Remember To recall information याद रखना (Yaad Rakhna)
    168 Sleep To rest in a state of unconsciousness सोना (Sona)
    169 Wake To stop sleeping जागना (Jaagna)
    170 Dream To see images while asleep सपना देखना (Sapna Dekhna)
    171 Draw To create art चित्र बनाना (Chitra Banana)
    172 Build To construct something निर्माण करना (Nirmaan Karna)
    173 Repair To fix something मरम्मत करना (Marammat Karna)
    174 Push To apply force forward धक्का देना (Dhakka Dena)
    175 Pull To apply force backward खींचना (Kheenchna)
    176 Run To move quickly दौड़ना (Daudna)
    177 Jump To leap कूदना (Koodna)
    178 Throw To propel through the air फेंकना (Fenkna)
    179 Catch To grab something पकड़ना (Pakadna)
    180 Send To deliver something भेजना (Bhejna)
    181 Receive To get something प्राप्त करना (Praapt Karna)
    182 Choose To select something चुनना (Chunna)
    183 Stay To remain somewhere रहना (Rehna)
    184 Leave To go away छोड़ना (Chhodna)
    185 Play To engage in an activity खेलना (Khelna)
    186 Work To perform a task काम करना (Kaam Karna)
    187 Study To learn by reading अध्ययन करना (Adhyayan Karna)
    188 Talk To converse बात करना (Baat Karna)
    189 Visit To go somewhere यात्रा करना (Yaatra Karna)
    190 Watch To look at something देखना (Dekhna)
    191 Win To achieve victory जीतना (Jeetna)
    192 Lose To fail हारना (Haarna)
    193 Borrow To take temporarily उधार लेना (Udhar Lena)
    194 Lend To give temporarily उधार देना (Udhar Dena)
    195 Open To make accessible खोलना (Kholna)
    196 Close To shut बंद करना (Band Karna)
    197 Finish To complete something समाप्त करना (Samaapt Karna)
    198 Start To begin शुरू करना (Shuru Karna)
    199 Answer To reply to something उत्तर देना (Uttar Dena)
    200 Ask To question पूछना (Poochna)
    201 Agree To accept or consent सहमत होना (Sahmat Hona)
    202 Disagree To have a different opinion असहमत होना (Asahmat Hona)
    203 Borrow To take something temporarily उधार लेना (Udhar Lena)
    204 Lend To give something temporarily उधार देना (Udhar Dena)
    205 Celebrate To enjoy an event or occasion जश्न मनाना (Jashn Manana)
    206 Complain To express dissatisfaction शिकायत करना (Shikayat Karna)
    207 Apologize To say sorry माफी मांगना (Maafi Maangna)
    208 Smile To express happiness with your face मुस्कुराना (Muskuraana)
    209 Laugh To express amusement हंसना (Hansna)
    210 Argue To exchange opposing views बहस करना (Bahas Karna)
    211 Trust To believe in someone भरोसा करना (Bharosa Karna)
    212 Doubt To question something शक करना (Shak Karna)
    213 Travel To go from one place to another यात्रा करना (Yatra Karna)
    214 Invite To ask someone to join आमंत्रित करना (Aamantrit Karna)
    215 Explain To make something clear समझाना (Samjhaana)
    216 Arrange To organize something व्यवस्थित करना (Vyavasthit Karna)
    217 Cancel To call off something रद्द करना (Radd Karna)
    218 Plan To make a strategy योजना बनाना (Yojna Banana)
    219 Improve To make something better सुधार करना (Sudhaar Karna)
    220 Support To assist or help समर्थन करना (Samarthan Karna)
    221 Decorate To make something look better सजाना (Sajana)
    222 Relax To rest and be calm आराम करना (Aaram Karna)
    223 Prepare To make something ready तैयार करना (Taiyar Karna)
    224 Practice To repeatedly do an activity to improve अभ्यास करना (Abhyas Karna)
    225 Protect To keep safe सुरक्षित करना (Surakshit Karna)
    226 Destroy To ruin completely नष्ट करना (Nasht Karna)
    227 Achieve To accomplish something हासिल करना (Haasil Karna)
    228 Share To give a part of something साझा करना (Saajha Karna)
    229 Save To keep for future use बचाना (Bachaana)
    230 Spend To use resources or money खर्च करना (Kharch Karna)
    231 Reach To arrive at a place पहुंचना (Pahunchna)
    232 Search To look for something खोजना (Khojna)
    233 Develop To grow or improve विकसित करना (Viksit Karna)
    234 Discover To find something new खोज करना (Khoj Karna)
    235 Invent To create something new आविष्कार करना (Avishkar Karna)
    236 Deliver To hand over something पहुंचाना (Pahunchana)
    237 Listen To pay attention to sound सुनना (Sunna)
    238 Blame To hold responsible दोष देना (Dosh Dena)
    239 Ignore To pay no attention अनदेखा करना (Andekha Karna)
    240 Control To have power over something नियंत्रण करना (Niyantran Karna)
    241 Celebrate To mark a happy occasion जश्न मनाना (Jashn Manana)
    242 Promise To give assurance वादा करना (Wada Karna)
    243 Regret To feel sorry पछताना (Pachtana)
    244 Clean To remove dirt साफ करना (Saaf Karna)
    245 Invest To allocate resources निवेश करना (Nivesh Karna)
    246 Translate To express in another language अनुवाद करना (Anuvad Karna)
    247 Evaluate To assess or judge मूल्यांकन करना (Mulyankan Karna)
    248 Clarify To make something easier to understand स्पष्ट करना (Spasht Karna)
    249 Improve To make something better सुधार करना (Sudhaar Karna)
    250 Protect To keep safe from harm सुरक्षा करना (Suraksha Karna)
    251 Help To assist someone मदद करना (Madad Karna)
    252 Improve To make something better सुधार करना (Sudhaar Karna)
    253 Reduce To make something smaller in amount घटाना (Ghatana)
    254 Increase To make something larger in amount बढ़ाना (Badhana)
    255 Consider To think about something carefully विचार करना (Vichar Karna)
    256 Fix To repair something सुधारना (Sudharna)
    257 Improve To make better सुधारना (Sudharna)
    258 Move To change position हिलाना (Hilaana)
    259 Accept To agree or receive something स्वीकार करना (Sveekar Karna)
    260 Refuse To decline something अस्वीकार करना (Asveekar Karna)
    261 Return To give something back वापस करना (Vapas Karna)
    262 Borrow To take something temporarily उधार लेना (Udhar Lena)
    263 Lend To give something temporarily उधार देना (Udhar Dena)
    264 Ask To request information पूछना (Poochna)
    265 Tell To give information बताना (Batana)
    266 Discuss To talk about something चर्चा करना (Charcha Karna)
    267 Understand To grasp meaning समझना (Samajhna)
    268 Ignore To not pay attention to something नज़रअंदाज़ करना (Nazarandaaz Karna)
    269 Explain To make something clear समझाना (Samjhana)
    270 Define To state the meaning परिभाषित करना (Paribhashit Karna)
    271 Think To form ideas in the mind सोचना (Sochna)
    272 Realize To become aware of something समझना (Samajhna)
    273 Consider To think carefully about something विचार करना (Vichar Karna)
    274 Notice To observe or become aware of something ध्यान देना (Dhyan Dena)
    275 Change To make something different बदलना (Badalna)
    276 Wish To desire something इच्छा करना (Ichha Karna)
    277 Manage To organize or control something प्रबंध करना (Prabandh Karna)
    278 Support To help or assist समर्थन करना (Samarthan Karna)
    279 Join To become part of something जोड़ना (Jodna)
    280 Refuse To decline or reject अस्वीकार करना (Asveekar Karna)
    281 Improve To make better सुधारना (Sudharna)
    282 Reduce To make something smaller or fewer कम करना (Kam Karna)
    283 Increase To make something larger or greater बढ़ाना (Badhana)
    284 Fix To repair something मरम्मत करना (Marammat Karna)
    285 Sell To exchange something for money बेचना (Bechna)
    286 Buy To acquire in exchange for money खरीदना (Kharidna)
    287 Call To make a phone call कॉल करना (Call Karna)
    288 Visit To go to see someone or someplace दौरा करना (Dora Karna)
    289 Open To move something to allow access खोलना (Kholna)
    290 Close To shut something बंद करना (Band Karna)
    291 Find To discover something पाना (Pana)
    292 Lose To misplace or no longer have something गवाना (Gawana)
    293 Consider To think carefully about something विचार करना (Vichar Karna)
    294 Learn To gain knowledge or skill सीखना (Seekhna)
    295 Teach To give knowledge or instruction सिखाना (Sikhana)
    296 Change To make or become different बदलना (Badalna)
    297 Grow To increase in size or develop बढ़ना (Badhna)
    298 Collect To gather things संग्रह करना (Sangrah Karna)
    299 Support To assist or back someone समर्थन करना (Samarthan Karna)
    300 Help To assist someone मदद करना (Madad Karna)
    301 Avoid To stay away from something बचना (Bachna)
    302 Confirm To make sure something is correct or true पुष्टि करना (Pushti Karna)
    303 Determine To decide something after considering all factors निर्धारित करना (Nirdharit Karna)
    304 Accept To agree to something or receive it स्वीकार करना (Sveekar Karna)
    305 Consider To think carefully about something विचार करना (Vichar Karna)
    306 React To respond or act in response to something प्रतिक्रिया देना (Pratikriya Dena)
    307 Explain To make something clear or easy to understand समझाना (Samjhana)
    308 Summarize To give a brief statement of the main points सारांश देना (Saaransh Dena)
    309 Introduce To present someone or something to others परिचय कराना (Parichay Karana)
    310 Discuss To talk about a topic in detail चर्चा करना (Charcha Karna)
    311 Explain To clarify or make understandable समझाना (Samjhana)
    312 Teach To instruct or impart knowledge सिखाना (Sikhana)
    313 Follow To go or come after someone or something अनुसरण करना (Anusaran Karna)
    314 Lead To guide or show the way नेतृत्व करना (Netritva Karna)
    315 Seek To look for something खोजना (Khojna)
    316 Find To discover something that was lost or hidden पाना (Pana)
    317 Give To provide something to someone देना (Dena)
    318 Take To acquire possession of something लेना (Lena)
    319 Send To cause something to go to another place भेजना (Bhejna)
    320 Receive To get something from someone प्राप्त करना (Prapt Karna)
    321 Resolve To find a solution to a problem सुलझाना (Suljhana)
    322 Identify To recognize or name someone or something पहचानना (Pehchanna)
    323 Distinguish To recognize differences between things अंतर करना (Antar Karna)
    324 Improve To make something better सुधारना (Sudharna)
    325 Choose To select from options चुनना (Chunna)
    326 Decide To make a choice after considering options निर्णय लेना (Nirnay Lena)
    327 Convince To persuade someone to believe or do something मनाना (Manaana)
    328 Apologize To express regret for an action माफी माँगना (Maafi Maangna)
    329 Forgive To stop feeling angry at someone for a wrong माफ करना (Maaf Karna)
    330 Offer To present something for acceptance or rejection प्रस्ताव देना (Prastaav Dena)
    331 Refuse To decline or reject something offered अस्वीकार करना (Asveekar Karna)
    332 Help To assist someone in need मदद करना (Madad Karna)
    333 Support To help or back someone or something समर्थन करना (Samarthan Karna)
    334 Admire To respect or have a high opinion of someone or something प्रशंसा करना (Prashamsa Karna)
    335 Criticize To express disapproval of someone or something आलोचना करना (Aalochana Karna)
    336 Clarify To make something clear or easier to understand स्पष्ट करना (Spasht Karna)
    337 Investigate To examine or look into something closely जाँच करना (Jaanch Karna)
    338 Agree To have the same opinion or accept something सहमत होना (Sahmat Hona)
    339 Disagree To have a different opinion असहमत होना (Asahmat Hona)
    340 Propose To suggest or offer an idea प्रस्ताव देना (Prastaav Dena)
    341 Encourage To give support or confidence to someone प्रोत्साहित करना (Protsahit Karna)
    342 Appreciate To express gratitude or recognize someone's effort सर्हाना (Sarnaa)
    343 Underestimate To judge something as less important or valuable than it really is कम आंकना (Kam Aankna)
    344 Overestimate To judge something as more important or valuable than it really is अधिक आंकना (Adhik Aankna)
    345 Evaluate To assess or judge something मूल्यांकन करना (Mulyankan Karna)
    346 Summarize To make a brief statement of the main points सारांश देना (Saaransh Dena)
    347 Consider To think about something before making a decision विचार करना (Vichar Karna)
    348 Prove To show something is true सिद्ध करना (Siddh Karna)
    349 Assess To evaluate or estimate the nature or quality of something मूल्यांकन करना (Mulyankan Karna)
    350 Test To examine or evaluate something परीक्षण करना (Parikshan Karna)
    351 Analyze To examine in detail to understand something better विश्लेषण करना (Vishleshan Karna)
    352 Criticize To express disapproval or find faults in something आलोचना करना (Aalochna Karna)
    353 Inquire To ask for information पूछना (Poochna)
    354 Search To look for something carefully खोजना (Khojna)
    355 Suggest To propose an idea or plan सुझाव देना (Sujhav Dena)
    356 Maintain To keep something in good condition बनाए रखना (Banaye Rakhna)
    357 Plan To make a detailed arrangement for something योजना बनाना (Yojna Banana)
    358 Obtain To get something, usually by effort प्राप्त करना (Prapt Karna)
    359 Organize To arrange things in an orderly way व्यवस्थित करना (Vyavasthit Karna)
    360 Complete To finish or make something whole पूरा करना (Poora Karna)
    361 Participate To take part in an activity or event भाग लेना (Bhag Lena)
    362 Represent To stand or act for someone or something प्रतिनिधित्व करना (Pratinidhitva Karna)
    363 Testify To make a statement about something, usually in court गवाही देना (Gawahi Dena)
    364 Imply To suggest something without saying it directly संकेत करना (Sanket Karna)
    365 Confirm To make sure something is true or certain पुष्टि करना (Pushti Karna)
    366 Introduce To bring something into use or mention for the first time परिचय कराना (Parichay Karana)
    367 Contribute To give or add something to a cause or effort योगदान देना (Yogdan Dena)
    368 Define To explain the meaning of something परिभाषित करना (Paribhashit Karna)
    369 Oppose To resist or disagree with something विरोध करना (Virodh Karna)
    370 Persuade To convince someone to do something or believe something मनाना (Manaana)
    371 Assume To believe something without proof or evidence मान लेना (Maan Lena)
    372 Estimate To judge the value, size, or amount of something अनुमान लगाना (Anuman Lagana)
    373 Adapt To adjust or change according to conditions अनुकूल बनाना (Anukool Banana)
    374 Update To bring something to a more current or improved state अपडेट करना (Update Karna)
    375 Innovate To introduce new ideas or methods नवोन्मेष करना (Navonmesh Karna)
    376 Clarify To make something easier to understand स्पष्ट करना (Spasht Karna)
    377 Develop To grow or improve over time विकसित करना (Viksit Karna)
    378 Improve To make something better सुधारना (Sudharna)
    379 Generate To produce or create something उत्पन्न करना (Utpan Karna)
    380 Expand To make something larger in size or scope विस्तार करना (Vistaar Karna)
    381 Maintain To keep something in a certain state or condition बनाए रखना (Banaye Rakhna)
    382 Ensure To make certain something will happen सुनिश्चित करना (Sunishchit Karna)
    383 Observe To watch carefully निरीक्षण करना (Nirikshan Karna)
    384 Support To give assistance or encouragement समर्थन करना (Samarthan Karna)
    385 Assess To evaluate or judge the quality or value of something मूल्यांकन करना (Mulyankan Karna)
    386 Guide To lead or direct someone मार्गदर्शन करना (Margdarshan Karna)
    387 Improve To enhance or make better सुधारना (Sudharna)
    388 Enhance To increase or improve something वृद्धि करना (Vruddhi Karna)
    389 Distribute To give out or share something among a group वितरित करना (Vitarit Karna)
    390 Announce To make something known publicly घोषणा करना (Ghoshna Karna)
    391 Explain To make something clear or easy to understand समझाना (Samjhana)
    392 Estimate To form an opinion about the value, size, or cost of something अनुमान करना (Anuman Karna)
    393 Highlight To emphasize or make something more noticeable प्रकाशित करना (Prakashit Karna)
    394 Modify To change something slightly संशोधित करना (Sanshodhit Karna)
    395 Publish To make something available to the public प्रकाशित करना (Prakashit Karna)
    396 Summarize To make a brief statement of the main points सारांश देना (Saaransh Dena)
    397 Launch To begin or introduce something new प्रारंभ करना (Prarambh Karna)
    398 Resolve To solve or find a solution to a problem सुलझाना (Suljhana)
    399 Manage To take charge of something or control it प्रबंध करना (Prabandh Karna)
    400 Focus To concentrate attention or effort on something केंद्रित करना (Kendrit Karna)
    401 Analyze To examine something in detail for better understanding विश्लेषण करना (Vishleshan Karna)
    402 Collaborate To work together with others to achieve a goal सहयोग करना (Sahyog Karna)
    403 Prove To establish the truth of something through evidence or argument सिद्ध करना (Siddh Karna)
    404 Translate To express the meaning of something in another language अनुवाद करना (Anuvad Karna)
    405 Distribute To give out or share something among a group of people वितरित करना (Vitarit Karna)
    406 React To respond to something in a particular way प्रतिक्रिया देना (Pratikriya Dena)
    407 Adapt To adjust or change to fit a new condition अनुकूल बनाना (Anukool Banana)
    408 Disagree To have a different opinion असहमत होना (Asahmat Hona)
    409 Conclude To bring something to an end निष्कर्ष निकालना (Nishkarsh Nikalna)
    410 Illustrate To explain something by giving examples or pictures उदाहरण देना (Udaharan Dena)
    411 Encourage To give support or confidence to someone प्रोत्साहित करना (Protsahit Karna)
    412 Negotiate To discuss something in order to reach an agreement सौदा करना (Sauda Karna)
    413 Eliminate To remove or get rid of something हटाना (Hatana)
    414 Reflect To think deeply about something परिलक्षित करना (Parilakshit Karna)
    415 Contribute To give something to a common purpose योगदान देना (Yogdan Dena)
    416 Support To help or assist someone or something समर्थन करना (Samarthan Karna)
    417 Inspire To motivate or encourage someone to take action प्रेरित करना (Prerit Karna)
    418 Strengthen To make something stronger or more powerful मजबूत करना (Majboot Karna)
    419 Determine To decide or establish something after careful consideration निर्धारित करना (Nirdharit Karna)
    420 Express To communicate or convey a thought, feeling, or idea व्यक्त करना (Vyakt Karna)
    421 Combine To join two or more things together मिलाना (Milana)
    422 Achieve To accomplish or attain something through effort प्राप्त करना (Prapt Karna)
    423 Challenge To question or confront something difficult चुनौती देना (Chunauti Dena)
    424 Propose To suggest a plan or idea for consideration प्रस्ताव देना (Prastav Dena)
    425 Decide To make a choice or come to a conclusion निर्णय लेना (Nirnay Lena)
    426 Clarify To make something easier to understand स्पष्ट करना (Spasht Karna)
    427 Include To make something part of a group or set शामिल करना (Shamil Karna)
    428 Confirm To establish the truth of something पुष्टि करना (Pushti Karna)
    429 Refuse To decline or reject something अस्वीकार करना (Asweekar Karna)
    430 Reduce To make something smaller or less in amount कम करना (Kam Karna)
    431 Improve To make something better or more effective सुधारना (Sudharna)
    432 Restore To bring something back to its original condition पुनर्स्थापित करना (Punarsthapit Karna)
    433 Research To study something in depth to gain more knowledge अनुसंधान करना (Anusandhan Karna)
    434 Suggest To offer an idea or plan for consideration सुझाव देना (Sujhav Dena)
    435 Expand To increase the size or scope of something विस्तार करना (Vistaar Karna)
    436 Adopt To take something as one's own or choose a course of action अपनाना (Apnana)
    437 Distinguish To recognize or treat someone or something as different अंतर करना (Antar Karna)
    438 Facilitate To make a process easier or less difficult सहज बनाना (Sahaj Banana)
    439 Summarize To present a brief statement of the main points सारांश देना (Saaransh Dena)
    440 Determine To decide or establish something after consideration निर्धारित करना (Nirdharit Karna)
    441 Evaluate To assess or judge the value or quality of something मूल्यांकन करना (Mulyankan Karna)
    442 Compare To examine two or more things to note similarities and differences तुलना करना (Tulna Karna)
    443 Resolve To settle or find a solution to a problem समाधान करना (Samadhan Karna)
    444 Respond To reply or react to something प्रतिक्रिया देना (Pratikriya Dena)
    445 Contribute To give something (time, effort, money) towards a cause योगदान देना (Yogdan Dena)
    446 Perform To carry out or execute an action or task प्रदर्शन करना (Pradarshan Karna)
    447 Prevent To stop something from happening रोकना (Rokna)
    448 Attend To be present at an event or gathering भाग लेना (Bhag Lena)
    449 Collaborate To work jointly on an activity or project सहयोग करना (Sahyog Karna)
    450 Increase To make something larger or greater in size, amount, or number बढ़ाना (Badhana)
    451 Accumulate To gather or collect over time संग्रहित करना (Sangrahit Karna)
    452 Illustrate To explain or make something clear by giving examples or pictures उदाहरण देना (Udaharan Dena)
    453 Criticize To express disapproval of something or someone आलोचना करना (Aalochana Karna)
    454 Accept To receive or take something offered स्वीकार करना (Sweekar Karna)
    455 Argue To discuss or dispute something in a forceful way बहस करना (Bahas Karna)
    456 Indicate To point out or show something संकेत करना (Sanket Karna)
    457 Assume To take something as true without proof मानना (Manna)
    458 Distribute To give something out or spread it over an area वितरित करना (Vitarit Karna)
    459 Identify To recognize or establish what something is पहचानना (Pehchanna)
    460 Emphasize To give special importance to something ज़ोर देना (Zor Dena)
    461 Examine To inspect or investigate something carefully जांचना (Janchna)
    462 Measure To determine the size, amount, or degree of something मापना (Mapna)
    463 Collect To gather items together into one place संग्रह करना (Sangrah Karna)
    464 Adjust To change something slightly to make it better समायोजित करना (Samayojit Karna)
    465 Modify To change or alter something संशोधित करना (Sanshodhit Karna)
    466 Enrich To improve or enhance the quality of something समृद्ध करना (Samriddh Karna)
    467 Disturb To interrupt or upset someone or something विघ्न डालना (Vighn Daalna)
    468 Observe To watch something carefully to gain information निरीक्षण करना (Nirikshan Karna)
    469 Signify To indicate or show something संकेत करना (Sanket Karna)
    470 Develop To grow or improve something over time विकसित करना (Viksit Karna)
    471 Accelerate To increase the speed or rate of something त्वरित करना (Tvarit Karna)
    472 Clarify To make something clear or easy to understand स्पष्ट करना (Spasht Karna)
    473 Hesitate To pause before doing something due to uncertainty संदेह करना (Sandeh Karna)
    474 Obtain To acquire something through effort प्राप्त करना (Prapt Karna)
    475 Testify To give evidence or bear witness to something गवाही देना (Gawahi Dena)
    476 Evaluate To assess or judge something मूल्यांकन करना (Mulyankan Karna)
    477 Refine To improve something by making small changes सुधारना (Sudharna)
    478 Decipher To interpret or make sense of something unclear सुलझाना (Suljhana)
    479 Provoke To cause someone to react or become angry उकसाना (Uksana)
    480 Conclude To bring something to an end or decision निष्कर्ष निकालना (Nishkarsh Nikalna)
    481 Regulate To control or maintain the rate or speed of something नियंत्रण करना (Niyantran Karna)
    482 Precede To come before in time or order पूर्व में होना (Purv Mein Hona)
    483 Resolve To settle or find a solution to a problem समाधान करना (Samadhan Karna)
    484 Investigate To examine or research something in detail जांच करना (Janch Karna)
    485 Distinguish To recognize or treat someone or something as different अंतर करना (Antar Karna)
    486 Interpret To explain the meaning of something व्याख्या करना (Vyakhya Karna)
    487 Expand To increase in size, number, or importance विस्तार करना (Vistaar Karna)
    488 Convey To communicate or make something known संचार करना (Sanchar Karna)
    489 Achieve To successfully complete or reach a goal प्राप्त करना (Prapt Karna)
    490 Clarify To make something clear or easier to understand स्पष्ट करना (Spasht Karna)
    491 Enhance To improve or make something better सुधारना (Sudharna)
    492 Integrate To combine or bring together parts to make a whole एकत्रित करना (Ekatrit Karna)
    493 Initiate To begin or start something शुरू करना (Shuru Karna)
    494 Adapt To change or adjust to fit new conditions अनुकूलित करना (Anukulit Karna)
    495 Examine To inspect or look at something carefully जांचना (Janchna)
    496 Distribute To give something to multiple people or places वितरित करना (Vitarit Karna)
    497 Coordinate To organize or arrange things in a way that makes them work together समन्वय करना (Samanvay Karna)
    498 Improvise To create or perform something without preparation तत्काल करना (Tatkal Karna)
    499 Clarify To make something clear or easier to understand स्पष्ट करना (Spasht Karna)
    500 Substitute To replace one thing with another स्थानापन्न करना (Sthaanapann Karna)

    शब्दावली सीखने के टिप्स

    • 1. संदर्भ में सीखना: हमेशा नए शब्दों को संदर्भ में सीखें। इससे आपको यह समझने में मदद मिलेगी कि शब्दों का वाक्यों में कैसे प्रयोग होता है।
    • 2. फ्लैशकार्ड का उपयोग करें: फ्लैशकार्ड बनाएं जिसमें एक ओर शब्द हो और दूसरी ओर उसकी परिभाषा हो। इसके लिए आप ऐप्स जैसे Anki का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
    • 3. लेखन का अभ्यास करें: नए शब्दों का उपयोग अपने लेखन में करें। इन्हें निबंधों, ईमेल्स या सोशल मीडिया पोस्ट्स में शामिल करने का प्रयास करें।
    • 4. नियमित रूप से पढ़ें: किताबों, लेखों और समाचार पत्रों को पढ़ने से आपको संदर्भ में नए शब्द मिलते हैं। एक आदत बनाएं कि आप हर अनजाने शब्द को देखें।
    • 5. बातचीत में शामिल हों: नियमित रूप से नेटिव स्पीकर्स या साथी छात्रों से बात करें। इससे शब्दावली की मजबूती होती है और आत्मविश्वास भी बढ़ता है।


    आपकी शब्दावली का विस्तार करना एक लाभकारी और निरंतर प्रक्रिया है। नियमित अभ्यास और समर्पण के साथ, ये 500 महत्वपूर्ण शब्द आपके इंग्लिश कौशल को और मजबूत कर सकते हैं। चाहे आप परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हों, करियर को आगे बढ़ा रहे हों, या बस संवाद करना चाहते हों, इन शब्दों को मास्टर करना आपको सफलता के रास्ते पर एक कदम और आगे बढ़ा सकता है।

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